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运用文献资料法和专家访谈法,对足球德比文化的现象与内涵、形成因素及其特征、形成的理论解释进行了研究。指出,德比现象与内涵都随社会变化得到延展,现象上从最初的地理对抗向文化领域甚至更大范围扩展,内涵上对德比的概念界定从客观条件向主观条件延伸。认为,群体间的冲突、同侪、偏见对德比的形成和延续有显著作用,显示出德比的形成因素具有竞争性、相似性、差异性三方面的特征。“争议密度”和“竞争对手威胁论”是用来解释德比形成原因的两大理论,经过比较分析,认为竞争对手威胁论可以更为清晰地解释德比的形成与延续的内涵,克服了以往研究的局限性。对于我国足球而言,探究足球德比文化具有重要现实意义,通过借鉴西方的成熟经验培育具有中国特色的足球文化,亦有助于我国足球“三步走”战略目标的实现。  相似文献   
提出一个以大规模语料库为资源提取材料,以词汇集为语义成分表达方式的动态词群建构方法,其维度特征值的提取不但具有客观性,而且操作简易。维度特征值用词汇集的方式表示特征取值范围,可以避免传统的义素概括性过强、词汇个性表现不足的缺陷。这种方法有利于面向应用的大规模动态词群的建构。  相似文献   
以中国科学院某研究所院重点实验室群组知识服务平台建设实践为例,从发展维度、协同维度和可持续维度等三方面,详细阐述了面向科研一线的群组集成知识平台的具体组织和实施。主要涉及内容包括需求调研、平台系统维护和管理、平台外观设计、主体功能、协同服务机制、可持续建设机制等,并提出了相应的建议,以期能为其它的群组集成知识服务平台建设提供参考。  相似文献   
Trusting Virtual Trust   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Can trust evolve on the Internet between virtual strangers? Recently, Pettit answered this question in the negative. Focusing on trust in the sense of ‘dynamic, interactive, and trusting’ reliance on other people, he distinguishes between two forms of trust: primary trust rests on the belief that the other is trustworthy, while the more subtle secondary kind of trust is premised on the belief that the other cherishes one’s esteem, and will, therefore, reply to an act of trust in kind (‘trust-responsiveness’). Based on this theory Pettit argues that trust between virtual strangers is impossible: they lack all evidence about one another, which prevents the imputation of trustworthiness and renders the reliance on trust-responsiveness ridiculous. I argue that this argument is flawed, both empirically and theoretically. In several virtual communities amazing acts of trust between pure virtuals have been observed. I propose that these can be explained as follows. On the one hand, social cues, reputation, reliance on third parties, and participation in (quasi-) institutions allow imputing trustworthiness to varying degrees. On the other, precisely trust-responsiveness is also relied upon, as a necessary supplement to primary trust. In virtual markets, esteem as a fair trader is coveted while it contributes to building up one’s reputation. In task groups, a hyperactive style of action may be adopted which amounts to assuming (not: inferring) trust. Trustors expect that their virtual co-workers will reply in kind while such an approach is to be considered the most appropriate in cyberspace. In non-task groups, finally, members often display intimacies while they are confident someone else ‘out there’ will return them. This is facilitated by the one-to-many, asynchronous mode of communication within mailing lists.  相似文献   
Most freshmen enter universities with high expectations and with good motivation, but too many are driven into performing instead of true learning. The issues are not only related to the challenge of comprehending the substance, social and other factors have an impact as well. All these multifaceted needs should be accounted for to facilitate student learning. Learning is an individual process and remarkable improvement in the learning practices is possible, if proper actions are addressed early enough. We motivate and describe a study of the experience obtained from a set of tailor-made courses that were given alongside standard curriculum. The courses aimed to provide a ‘safe community’ to address the multifaceted needs. Such support was integrated into regular coursework where active learning techniques, e.g. interactive small groups were incorporated. To assess impact of the courses we employ the feedback obtained during the courses and longitudinal statistical data about students' success.  相似文献   
“十六大”是我们党在新世纪新阶段召开的十分重要的代表大会,对于党和国家各项事业的发展具有重大而深远的意义。本文认为,对西部民族地区的发展应有新的理论探索。并就此分别论述了:一、大力发展西部民族地区的社会事业,必须首先提高其内在素质——强健西部民族地区的骨骼:发展科技事业;开展西部民族地区的健脑工程:发展民族教育事业;给西部民族地区作热身:提高各民族的思想道德素质;为西部民族地区缝绣嫁衣裳:盘活少数民族文化资源。二、加快西部民族地区的发展,必须要有宽松的外部环境——打通西部民族地区的七筋八脉:深化体制改革;给西部民族地区一个广阔的练武空间:加快扩大开放;给西部民族地区展示个性:发展特色工农业。三、加快西部民族地区的发展,必须加大反腐倡廉等力度。文章认为,只要在党中央的正确领导下,群策群力,开拓进取,西部民族地区的发展就一定会乘着“十六大”的东风,在新形势下,快马加鞭,向着为实现各民族共同繁荣发展的伟大目标奋进。  相似文献   
弱势群体存在着形形色色的消极社会心理,客观上是由于社会体制的转轨、社会结构的变迁和社会冲突的加剧造成;主观上是由于弱势群体自我管理不善等因素造成。弱势群体的消极社会心理对社会具有很大危害,政府应该采取有效措施使弱势群体从消极状态解放出来。  相似文献   
本以江泽民同志三次针对哲学社会科学工作的讲话为指导,阐述了人社会科学创新群体建设的紧迫性;组建创新群体的意义、作用与目的;对创新群体的要求;创建创新群体的措施等问题。  相似文献   
This article describes a cooperative writing response initiative designed to develop writing skills in foreign/second-language contexts (hereafter L2). The strategy originated from my desire to cater for my learners’ need to become better writers in English within a constrained educational environment in Argentina. In this article I describe this strategy and show how it has worked in my setting. First, I offer the rationale on which it rests, based on a sociocultural conception of reading and writing. This involves brief considerations about the notions of collaborative writing groups, social responses to texts and coherence in L2 writing. Second, I describe and explain the strategy in detail, and include one handout with specific written instructions (as my learners received them) for the cooperative writing response groups with a focus on coherence, i.e. global aspects of the composing process. Finally, I exemplify the strategy using one learner’s written text as a foundation (disclosed by permission).  相似文献   
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